The Benefits of Educational Providers of America Course Packages

There are so many advantages to Educational Providers of America self-study course packages (which can also be used in blended-learning and instructor-led settings) for your company and instructors, your home health aides (HHAs),  nursing assistants (NAs), and certified nurse aides (CNAs), and your clients.

The Benefits for Your Company and Your Instructors
  • Saving dollars and hours.  It takes most registered nurses five full days to design and develop a 3-hour in-service.  Assuming the registered nurse makes anywhere from $27.00 to $37.00 an hour, your company is out $1080.00 to $1480.00!  Compare that to the current low one-time price of $99.99 for any Educational Providers of America 3-hour course. In addition, developing, implementing, and scheduling in-services takes the nurse away from administrative tasks and clinical care. There is no money and time wasted in developing, scheduling, rescheduling, or presenting courses ever again with Educational Providers of America course packages, especially when used as self-study courses.

  • Providing a significant cost savings because each course allows teaching a large number of learners, without the need for special equipment or software. You also have the benefit of printing the courses for use at your location.

  • Receiving factual and current course material. Each course comes complete with references to authenticate the validity and reliability of the evidence-based, up-to-date content.  

  • Eliminating a tiered fee schedule.  Educational Providers of America courses cost a low one-time fee at your location. Train as many aides or assistants as you need at one location – the fee is the same.*

  • Preventing training dollars from “walking out the door.”  It is no secret that staff turnover is high in the healthcare industry.  Remember, your instructors can reuse Educational Provider of America courses for as many current and new aides and assistants and as many times as your company needs.

  • Furnishing more education in less time means less interruption to client care. The typical adult learner can read 300 words per minute. That is almost two times faster than an average speaker can speak (approximately 175 words per minute). However, the course packages are also designed to use for blended-learning and instructor-led settings.

  • Improving compliance easily and quickly. 

  • Reducing job burnout. Aides and assistants need to learn, grow, and build on their skills. Investing in Educational Provider of America courses foster their sense of importance, feelings of self-esteem, and level of confidence. Keep in mind one contributing factor of job burnout is the inability for employees to do assigned tasks due to lack of knowledge.

  • Offering flexibility. With Educational Providers of America materials, especially when used as self-study courses, your company can educate aides and assistants with ease, including part-time, contingent, afternoon, evening, and weekend employees.

  • Providing portability. Learners and instructors can access the material from your cloud account, computer systems, email, or printed copy – it is your choice.

  • Ensuring a uniform, evidence-based learning experience. The course packages eliminate the differences in individual interpretations by various instructors. 

  • Reducing interruptions to client care. Furthermore, clustering information into 2-, 3- or 4- hour self-study courses decreases the number of interruptions even more and provides learners with a more thorough and cohesive learning experience. There is no federal mandate requiring HHAs, NAs, or CNAs to receive one hour of continuing education each month. Instead, the regulation simply mandates twelve (12) hours of continuing education within each calendar year

  • Eliminating the hassles of internet glitches and login problems. Your company, your instructors, and your aides and assistants experience no exclusive dependence on technology to access the Educational Providers of America courses.   

  • Removing physical barriers to learning. Inclement weather, learner/instructor illness, or automobile malfunctions will not prevent your aides and assistants from learning. They can receive the courses in digital or hardcopy format.

  • Eliminating scheduling conflicts. Never again worry about coordinating schedules or rescheduling classes.

The Benefits for Your HHAs, CNAs, and NAs
  • Learning when they are ready to learn. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears” is a Buddhist proverb packed with wisdom. No matter how hard an instructor tries, if the learner is not ready to learn, it is probable the student will not learn. The self-study format allows students to learn when and where it is optimal. However, you can always use the courses in a blended-learning or instructor-led setting. 

  • Using a learning style ALL adult learners possess, that is, visual learning.  The notion that there are three types of learners, all of whom need special treatment when it comes to receiving and retaining information, is simply wrong. We all take in more information through the eye than in any other way.

  • Eliminating the fear of failing in front of peers.  Rather, learners can make errors and retry strategies in private when used in a self-study setting. If needed, learners can receive assistance and remediation from the instructor in private, without the embarrassment of faltering in the presence of classmates.

  • Retaining more information. There is no evidence retention is better in a classroom (instructor-led) setting. In fact, the contrary is true: the U.S. Department of Education found that learners retain slightly more information through self-study courses than they do in instructor-led courses. Retention is an important economical factor when you consider it results in improved client care, less workplace accidents/safety issues, and decreased employee turnover.

  • Receiving interesting and relevant topics that motivate learning.  

  • Learning at their own pace. Learners can take as little or as much time as they need to master the course content when used in a self-study … quickly reviewing areas they do know well and spending more time learning areas they do not.

  • Increasing their compliance with continuing education requirements.

The Benefits for Your Clients
  • Improving quality of care provided by your staff.

  • Reducing interruptions in client care.

* Please contact us online for multi-location discounts.


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