Basic Life Support (BLS) / Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid (FA) Instructor Certification Programs

Become Certified as an Instructor Without Attending a Class.
Certify Each Person in Each Class for Just $5.99!

What is the American CPR and First Aid Institute?

The American CPR and First Aid Institute has been providing blended-learning (combination of psychomotor and cognitive programs) nationally accredited and accepted curricula that is based upon the most current, evidence-based standards and guidelines for nearly 12 years. The design allows you to provide the high-quality program(s) in an inexpensive, time-efficient, and flexible manner.

How do I become an instructor?

Receive your 2-year instructor certificate (either by grandfathering in [no course attendance necessary]) or by attending The CPR/BLS Instructor Certification Course (an instructor class that includes both CPR/BLS and FA instructor certification is also available). Determine which method of instructor certification is right for you

What are the other advantages of using American CPR and First Aid Institute programs?   

  • Reduce your facility’s training costs by having a representative of your company certified as an instructor. Train staff for as little as $5.99 per person per class (well below the national average).* Your company will save thousands of dollars compared to the cost of out-sourced training or being certified as an instructor through any other organization.

  • Enjoy a low start-up cost.

  • No training centers to join, giving your company control of how, when, and where to teach the classes.

  • Never again be dependent on outside training companies to show up or issue certificates.

  • Choose which type of healthcare professional basic life support class you would like to teach, i.e., adult-only, pediatric-only, or adult, child, and infant. ** You may also teach the first aid class to fulfill some of the HHA, NA, or CNA continuing education requirement or to meet any other regulatory- or  government-specific requirement.

  • Forget about red tape – American CPR and First Aid Institute programs are streamlined and flexible.   

  • Provide nationally accredited and accepted content that is based upon the most current, evidence-based standards and guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA) *** Guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) Science with Treatment Recommendations, International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) Conference on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations, National First Aid Science Advisory Board, and other evidence-based recommendations or sources.

  • Train your entire staff at any location of your company – no location restrictions.

  • Gain flexibility by offering certification courses to any staff member any day, any time. No more group-size minimums, cancellation penalties, or scheduling conflicts to worry about ever again.

  • Provide a blended-learning format to train staff that requires you to invest only 20 to 30 minutes of your time every 2 years.

  • Issue 2-year CPR/BLS and/or FA Certificates that meet the standards or requirements of professional and regulatory agencies, including, but not limited to, the American Dental Association (ADA), Arizona Board of Examiners for Nursing Care Administrators and Assisted Living Facility Managers, Arizona Board of Nursing, Arizona Department of Health Services, Arkansas State Board of Dental Examiners, Code of Federal Regulations for States and Long Term Care Facilities, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), Idaho Board of Dentistry, Iowa Board of Optometry, Joint Commission (formerly JCAHO), Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Michigan Board of Dentistry, Michigan Board of Nursing, Michigan Bureau of Health Professions, Michigan Bureau of Health Systems, Michigan Department of Community Health (DCH), Michigan Division of Adult Foster Care (AFC) Licensing, Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA), Montana Board of Dentistry, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Nevada Board of Health, Oklahoma Board of Juvenile Affairs, Tennessee Board of Dentistry, Texas State Board of Pharmacy, Washington State Department of Health, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners, and other regulatory agencies. See more.

  • Renew instructor status every two years, without having to attend a class.

  • Increase your company’s efficiency, productivity, and profitability. 

  • Provide OSHA- and Joint Commission-compliant healthcare professional-level BLS / CPR and/or FA training.

  • There are no geographic boundaries or limitations – you can train ALL your staff at ALL your company locations.

  • Receive timely updates and news about CPR, BLS, and FA.

What does each training program include?                                                                                                              

Each program includes the Instructor Guide, complete with handouts and all cognitive testing and recordkeeping materials (roster form, skill check-off lists, tests, answer keys, evaluation forms, etc. all on CD/flash drive), instructional video(s) (available on DVD or flash drive – the choice is yours), and Guidelines Update: An Overview of Basic Life Support and First Aid.  Plus, you will receive timely and interesting news about BLS/CPR and FA, as well as customer service assistance for all your instructor-related questions. 

What are the class topics in the program?

Class Topics Covered in (Syllabus of) the BLS/CPR and FA Programs
                                    A Word About the Approval Process
                                    Copyright and Authorization of Use Notice
                                    Mission Statement
                                    Course Objectives
Adult Teaching and Learning Principles
                                    Lifelong Learning
                                    Three Domains of Learning
                                    Concepts of Learning
                                    Guidelines for Giving Feedback
                                    Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
                                    Attributes of the Effective Instructor
                                    Functions of the Instructor
                                    Challenging Students
                                    Learning Styles
                                    Teaching Methods
Commonly Asked Questions About Basic Life Support and First Aid
Common Errors in Basic Life Support and First Aid
Basic Life Support
                                    Basic Life Support Definition
                                    Legal Aspects of Applying Basic Life Support
                                    Universal Precautions
                                                  Correct Technique for Removing Contaminated Gloves
                                    Heart Disease
                                                  Pathology and Natural History
                                                  Risk Factors           
                                    Clinical Syndromes of Heart Disease
                                                  Angina Pectoris
                                                   Myocardial Infarction
                                                            Acute Coronary Syndrome Signs and Symptoms         
                                                            First Aid for ACS
                                                   Sudden Cardiac Arrest   

                                                   Risk Factors for Stroke
                                                   Clinical Presentation of Acute Stroke
                                                   First Aid for Stroke
                                    Chain of Survival
                                    Adult CPR
                                                    Shock First Vs. Care First
                                    Child CPR
                                    Adult/Child Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Management
                                    Infant CPR
                                    Infant Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Management
                                    Neonatal CPR
                                    The Golden Minute
                                    Summary of Variations in CPR Technique
                                    Highlights of the Changes in Professional BLS Guidelines
                                    Special Techniques and Adjunct Therapies
                                                  Jaw-thrust Maneuver without Head-tilt
                                                  Mouth-to-Mask Rescue Breathing
                                                  Mouth-to-Bag-Valve-Mask Rescue Breathing
                                                  Mouth-to-Shield Rescue Breathing
                                                  Mask-to-Tracheostomy Rescue Breathing       
                                                  Mouth-to-Mouth Rescue Breathing
                                                  Mouth-to-Nose Rescue Breathing         
                                                  Oxygen and Oxygen Intended for Emergency Use
                                                            Emergency Oxygen Delivery Devices
                                                            Oxygen Safety Tips            
                                                Recovery Position
                                                Automated External Defibrillation
                                                            Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
                                                            Special Considerations Before, During and After Defibrillation  
                                                Opioid Overdose
                                                            Opioid-Associated Life-Threatening Emergency Algorithm
Basic First Aid
                                    First Aid Definition
                                    Unintentional Injuries
                                    Recommended Supplies for the Basic First Aid Kit
                                    Legal Aspects of Applying Basic First Aid
                                                            Good Samaritan Statute
                                    Universal Precautions
                                                            Correct Technique for Removing Contaminated Gloves
                                                            Hand Hygiene Guidelines
                                                            WHO Six-Step Technique for Handwashing and Applying Hand Sanitizer
                                    First Aid Assessment
                                                            Primary Survey
                                                            Secondary Survey
                                                                        SAMPLE History
                                                                        Head-to-Toe Examination
                                    Blood Loss and Shock
                                    Mechanism of Injury
                                    Wound Types
                                                Abrasion, Laceration, Puncture, and Avulsion
                                                Signs and Symptoms of an Infected Wound
                                                Some Words About Hemostatic Dressings and Tourniquets To Control External Bleeding
                                                Open Chest Wounds
                                                Open Abdominal Wounds with Evisceration
                                                Open Pelvic Wounds
                                                Animal Bite Wounds
                                    Wounds That Require Medical Intervention
                                                Internal Bleeding
                                                Types of Closed Wounds
                                                            Minor Internal Hemorrhaging
                                                            Severe Internal Hemorrhaging
                                                Common Signs and Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhaging
                                                Causes of Internal Bleeding         
                                                Definition of Shock
                                                Categories of Shock
                                                Signs and Symptoms of Shock
                                                            Blood Volumes
                                                First Aid for Shock  
                                                First Aid for External Bleeding
                                                Layers of the Skin
                                                Functions of the Skin
                                                Mechanism of Injury
                                                            Thermal Burns
                                                                        Degrees of Thermal Burns
                                                                        Care for Thermal Burns
                                                            Electrical Burns
                                                                        Care for Electrical Burns
                                                                        Care for Chemical Burns
                                                                        Caustic Chemicals Resulting in Injury to the Skin
                                                            Do’s and Don’ts of Burn Care
                                    Head, Neck and Spinal Cord Injuries
                                                Eye Injuries
                                                Head Injuries
                                                Scalp and skull Injuries; Concussions
                                                Fractured Nose
                                                Avulsed Tooth
                                                Spinal Cord Injuries
                                                Some Words About Cervical Collars
                                    Musculoskeletal Injuries
                                                 Types of Musculoskeletal Injuries
                                                 Signs and Symptoms of Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains and Strains
                                    First Aid Care for Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries
                                                 Soft Splint
                                                 Rigid Splint
                                                 Anatomic Splint
                                    Sudden Illness
                                                Acute Coronary Syndrome 
                                                Anaphylactic Shock
                                                            How to Use an EpiPen® Epinephrine Auto-Injector
                                                Diabetic Emergencies        
                                                Pregnancy Emergencies
                                    Bites and Stings
                                                Bees, Wasps and Hornets
                                                Spider Bites             
                                                Other Types of Bites and Stings
                                    Heat- and Cold-Related Emergencies
                                    Rescuing and Moving Injured Victims     
                                                Confined Space      
                                                Moving Injured Victims
                                    Highlights of the Changes in First Aid Guidelines
Class Materials and Equipment
                                    Course Roster
                                    Evaluation Forms
                                    Skill Check-Off Forms
                                    Answer Sheet (Master Copy for All Tests)
                                    Answer Keys
                                    Instructions for Completing Certificates of Completion
                                    Record Maintenance
                                    Checklist of Class Equipment and Materials

Decontamination of Mannequins/Equipment and Ensuring Student Safety
                                    Decontamination of Mannequins and Equipment After Class
                                    Reducing the Risk of Cross-Contamination and Student Injury
                                    During Class

Course Standards and Outlines
                                    Course Standards
                                    Course Outlines
Instructor Responsibilities
Orders just for BLS instructor certification will not receive any of the FA materials.

How much does each program cost?

The Professional Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor Package costs $189.99 ($329.99 for the BLS and FA Instructor Combination Package). Again, each certification card costs just $5.99, a price well below the national average.   
Please contact us if you need more information.  



* Cost after purchase of instructor package; excluding applicable tax and S&H.

** You may choose the Adult-only with AED or Pediatric-only with AED curriculum; however, we recommend  the Adult, Child, and Infant with AED option to ensure regulatory compliance.

*** The American Heart Association (AHA) is a registered trademark of American Heart Association, Inc.


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